
i don't know wether to be sad or happy.

today,twassssss hmmm.okay.went to gyoza straight from school with mom to celebrate my mom's best friend's birthday.then we got SCOLDED by this random customer there which was really annoying and i had nothing to do with the fight.i mean its a birthday party,we can't all shut up and whisper can we?.grrr.and my mom's other friend that was there,tante lily she was practically screaming to the gyoza guy.right after the birtday lady blow her candles.then we went to loewys. ate creme brulee and the apple tart.it was drizzling already at that time.

good thing ti didn't went to om pau today.hmmmfff he's sick.and i was sick 2 weeks ago and i don't want to get any more illness in the next 2/3 months.its the holidays!

i'm soo glad with my mid term results.after i thought about it and looking at it,reviewed it for quite some time.

mom got proposed.and God thank you Lord :)

sooo on Wed and Thurs,me mc mia tassha shirley and vania went for....


we are soo unlucky these past months.hell knows why.too long for a post.and i'm to angry and frustrated just to think about it.it makes me just want to throw things away and breaking stuff like glass,mirrors ok itu sih lebay.gak ampe sgitunya sih.haha.

and on Thurs,gw les sama eko.pas everyone got back home and half-heartbroken because of a7x.grrrrr.then in the middle of the lesson,my grandma's friend's grandson came to pick her up!his dad is from Holland,and he is sooooo cute.eko autisnya mulai kambuh saat ia melihat ROY(the kid's name). he ate chocolate cake and played with his toy.then i think eko made a face to him and called him with hand gestures and roy ran to him,eko picked him up and kayak he's like acting like he's the father.like he is like "loving" him unconditionally,which for me it's kinda weird.and un-normal.no ABnormal.

searched my grandad's closet the other day with my grandma.took 3 of my grandad's shirts which i really like,cause they are soo comfortable and nice looking.haha.

haha if you noticed my skin now,its from this old movie namanya napoleon dynamite yang bnr2 a movie that is so dumb,so stupid but meaningful.hahaha.it was like one of the classic comedy old movie.

mom is gone.to a tere reunion at somewhere.hmmmfff gw bt bgt di rmah.
but since she talked to i-kno-who shes like more FUN and adventurous.which i have more fun with :) and i can talk to her about everything.

tasa mc dan mia is in love with RINGKIH!!!!!

i like that nickname and i started to call him that.hahahahaha dodol.

it's almost november which meanssss....TWILIGHT THE MOVIE!!!

countdown till 21 Nov '08.

ad also ulum starts around that time too.hmmmphhhh.males.can we just skip that and move on to the holidays??i'm sick with the person sitting right behind me.i hate her so bad dude.

oh yeah.
concerts please concerts.
jasonmraz cobrastarship theacademyis falloutboy clickfive mcr a7x panicatthedisco fratelis weezer greenday (ok greenday skali dtg harga tiket 2jt dan satu minggu ud sold out.)

ahhhh dreaming.

day/night/afternoon dreaming


valerie d

ps.for those yg dpt foto / autograph a7x congrats.

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