
i deserve 1 sp for not submitting my "homework"

here's my homework from tassha.hahaha
10 random facts about me.lets seeeeee...uhhm

1.i like to do my reading in the bathroom.idk why.
2.i was a born-dancer(my mom was soo its in the blood),but i stopped since my grandad passed away.
3.my best friend is my mom.can't it be more obvious?
4.after i finish school i'm staying in the states.and not coming back.thats final.
5.i think about my future a lot.
6.i hate it when my finger bleeds.
7.i hate un-grateful people (either ungrateful for what they have or their talents.make it simple,ppl that whines about everything)
8.i hate it when we take a picture and my head would be huge.my head is big.i have a big head.
9.i sometimes hate competition.
10.i get stage frights and i sing in the bathroom.

those are the facts.soooooo i wanna give this tooo mia aja deh.
everyone seems to have done it already.ohh gosh i suck.
sorry i haven't posted anything.
no i'm posting.
and good news,i'm actually friends now with joey zehr.AAH! psych! but i guess he's accepting all of his friend requests.oh well.whatever.sorry joey,facebook is no longer your hide-out.anyways.

i hate it when ppl like judge me in the face, and thinks that i'm invincible.well, i hate you back.i hate it when orang ksh tampang madesu and acts like not a friend when i need one.and when it s her turn its like ohhh my gosh your so talented ohh you're such a great person and all that shit.
i'm, sick of that.i'm sick of being treated that way .i hate to be invincible.like you talk,you don't get the respond that you wanted.you have to suffer all over it again just to say "hey,WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM STOP ACTING THIS WAY"

damn i just see everyone to be like this lucky person.my cousins are all abroad.and their futures are sooo BRIGHT as the sun ==" unlike me stuck here for high school while the whole family is slowly migrating there and just leaving me alone.i'm damn alone.and next year it's her turn.great.thanks for the info.great.just great.

oh well.
let me just go to my corner and just mope.mope mope mope.
peace love and grooviness
valerie d

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