
saya TIDAK mencintai ibu guru saya.

who does.
this day waaas the crappiest day.shit tai gw ud benci bgt sama this day.
mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.tired like ass.grr.capek saya capek.
i got angry,and practically i lost my mind over everything.cause everything feels like shit.my head is spinning and my teacher is an ass and my mind is gonna blow up to pieces any moment.

and thx to margaux,my corgie pee-ed on my bed.puked all over.in the middle of the friggin nite!
i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate this day so much.

then my limewire wont work.

i hate this.this this feeling like falling into the deep dark wishing well that wont grant your friggin wish.
ahh.words valerie.mind your words.

saya mencalonkan diri saya menjadi osis.dan sekarang saya tidak tahu mau menjabat sebagai apa dan sedikit menyesal saya telah mencalonkan diri saya.

yes i am that stupa people and i have no friggin idea what have i done and what will i do rite now.
geez val.what a drama life
yes life.thanks for giving me such a crappy day

peace love and grooviness
valerie d.

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