
i think this is the last post on this one.

yeaaahhh well i've been sorta thinkin lately that i am bored writing about my "personal" life.
well,it's not that personal if i write it now.is it?
and uhmm i'm tired of hitting that backspace button every time i want to write something then i think its offensive blaah de blahh and blah.
and this blog is full witthh..anger.
desperation and confusion.
which i hate superr duppperr muchoss.
again,i have been thinking.
and whatever you say,hatever you think this may sound kinda stupid and lame.

making a point.
people have fashion blogs.
food and drink blogs --> credits to a friend of mine, Dania with her blog hunger and thirst.
go green blogs --> Hank Green for ecogreen.com

why don't i have a music slash movie slash book slash photography slash art blog????

wanna know the reason?

it's all i know.
my oxygen.
what i eat drink sleep with all day long.
basically,and literally,my whole damn crappy life.

whatever crappy and evil minds you are all having now,i'm pretty sure you think "ngapain sih ni anak satu najis ngapain buat blog macem2 iuuuhh najis lalalalala" and all that nonsense.
you do not control me.
you live only once.
you only have one life.
why not as well enjoy it?
have fun.do whatever you think it is the right step.

like my tutor today om paulus.
(i'm pretty sure y'all know who he is....)
he was playing poker n fb.
and he didn't follow what his heart tell him to do.
guess what.
he lost the friggin game.

i'm closing up.

no more tears from me.
no more "emo" stuff from that other blog that i am gonna make.
and i accidentally forgot my email password.
so make sure you all add me on my new email which is on fb
but i am not losing this line.

and you wont miss it.
peace love and grooviness

for the 70th time.on this blog

valerie d.

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